December 03, 2009

Have Scale Will Travel...

First and foremost, sorry for the delay in postings. It's been a crazy couple of days and I was going to do some posts from my Crackberry, but what can I say, I'm lazy.

Yesterday marked officially being 9 weeks away from Hawaii. Holy shit, single digits! So that meant a weigh in. Now for a little back story; yesterday we were about 150 miles from home on a quick overnight getaway for a concert. My wife asked me if I was going to weigh in early or what I was going to do. I said, well, we can just take the scale with us, and that's what we did. Why not right? Officially down 4 lbs for the week! Yeah, buddy. I've got a system down, it will be shared in a later post (like the next one). But it feels good to see that number drop!

Current Weight: 311
62 days left

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