October 21, 2009

It starts with a single step and then a single post....

They say that everyone has that one "Fat Picture" where they hit rock bottom and say, "Holy shit! I've got to change something." The picture above is my Fat Picture. In exactly 15 weeks from today, my wife and I will be at a resort in Hawaii, soaking up the sun. 105 days from right now, we'll be there. Four years of trying to get pregnant, now in the waiting pool for an adoption. Four years of giving everything and not getting anything in return. So we said, "Fuck it, let's go to Hawaii." Everything is booked and paid for, now we just got to get there. I want to be able to enjoy the flight since we'll be in the air for a while. I don't want to ask for a seat belt extender and then worry if my leg is accidentally pressing the recline button for my seat during take-off and have the air hostess yelling at me to put my seat back up. I want to be able to walk on the beach and not be worried about people spraying me with a mister so I don't dry out before they can roll me back into the ocean, but most of all, after Hawaii, I want to be a dad who can actually sit on the floor and play with his kid without wheezing and only taking a knee like it's football practice. 15 weeks.

The journey began today. Actually it's been trying to start the past couple of weeks, but what can I say? I'm lazy. This week though, something clicked. I've walked at work the past 3 days over my lunch. Today was the first official day, first weigh-in. 325lbs Holy shit am I fat. Officially the most I've every weighed in my life, awesome. Enough excuses. Time for action. 45 minutes on the treadmill over lunch 550+ calories burned. Taco Bell for dinner, ugh. One step forward, two steps back. But I'm up and moving, that's something.

Why blog about it? Why not? It's my attempt to keep me accountable. My goal is to have 100 posts in the next 105 days. All the way up to when we leave for Hawaii and maybe some after that. This is my online journal, no more excuses, no more bullshit. 15 weeks.

Current weight: 325
105 days left

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