December 09, 2009

Snowed In....

Feeling very blah today. We've been snowed in our house for two days now. Starting to burn the furniture for warmth. 8 short weeks away...56 days away from Hawaii. Days like today I have to focus on it more than ever. Weighed in today, down 1/2 a pound. I think we might need a new scale...the first couple of times I stepped on it, it said 264.5, which would have been awesome, but then that would mean I lost 46.5lbs in one week and that doesn't seem quite I waited a bit and then stepped on again and I'm down 1/2 a pound. Not quite 46 but I'll take it. Got to focus on the good stuff. I'm so tired of fucking snow and blowing cold ass wind I can't stand it.

Current Weight: 310.5
56 days left

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