December 17, 2009

Damn the Pecan

It was touch and go with the toffee, but I've got it secured in my stocking cap and stuffed in my backpack, untouched thank you very much. Out of sight out of mind. Onto the next challenge. Until about 5 years ago, I've never had pecan pie. Couldn't tell you why, I had just never tried it. I wasn't much of a pie person, unless it was French Silk. But apple, cherry, banana, lemon meringue, you name it, I wasn't interested. Then the holiday lunch happened at work. I had just started with the company a few months before, so this was my first experience with the holiday lunch. It was a spread with prime rib, two kinds of potatoes, salad, bread, veggies and of course dessert. I loaded up my plate like I was getting food for a refugee I had stored under my desk. I then hit the dessert table and it was all pie. It was free so I thought what the hell, worse case I take a bite and toss it if I didn't like it. I chose pecan cause the thought of pumpkin pie makes the back of my throat water. The first bite was like your first taste of heroin. My eyes rolled back in my head and my legs went numb. I was hooked. Pecan pie was the shit! Flash forward to today, holiday lunch day. It has become a tradition for me to only have pecan pie this one day of the year. I look forward to it every year. Today was the day. I'll admit, I was looking forward to it, but also nervous about it. I successfully dodged the toffee bullet, but this holiday meal was a landmine that's been tripped and ready to blow. It helped that the prime rib was fatty, I didn't eat a lot of it. Got the whipped sweet potatoes instead of the twice baked potato. Completely passed over the cheese manicotti. Got the green beans and passed on the carrots. The server actually asked if I would like a second plate for more food?!?! Really?!?! I declined and passed on the salad since that would have required a second plate. Then came the dessert table. Literally plates of pie for as far as the eye could see. I found the smallest piece of pecan (it's a tradition, can't break tradition) and went to sit down. I told myself at the beginning, I was going to get a small piece and cut it in half. I stuck to my guns and did splurge but I think I refrained accordingly.

Yes I did eat the bigger half. But in the grand scheme of things I'm OK with that. And in all actuality, the pie wasn't even that good! It's like a movie you watched when you were a kid and you just loved it, but you watch it now and think to yourself, "what in the hell was I thinking? This is terrible!" I didn't even finish the whole 1/2 slice! I think I'm officially over pecan pie.

48 days left

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