December 21, 2009


It has been documented before that I have an "ample man bosom," and I seem to be having nipple issues, mainly chafing. Being on the elliptical causes a lot of up and down movement, which causes some "jiggling." Fine, I can deal with that; it comes with the territory, I get it. After Friday's workout I was in quite a bit of discomfort and when I hopped in the shower, it felt like someone had put out a cigar on each nipple when the water hit them. So I thought, how can I stop this from happening. Old Fatty Boom Batty would have just stopped working out. I thought maybe they just need to be toughened up, but that feels like it would be a long, gruesome processed. Then I thought band-aids, not an option, there would be significant hair removal. We needed to contain jiggle as much as possible, so for Saturday morning's workout I put on an XL t-shirt to act as some sort of redneck sportsbro...I guess it's better than using duct tape to secure the jiggle. But instead, I poured myself into this t-shirt hoping that the "guys" would be secure. It worked for about the first 30 minutes, but as the sportsbro became saturated with sweat, it loosened its grip and that familiar burning sensation came back. So I guess the next step is the band-aid method. I know it's not pretty, it's not glamorous, but this path is an ugly one and you've got to trudge through some shit to make it to the end goal. I'm just reporting on it, I can't make this stuff up. Yes, this post is about chafed nipples on a fat hairy guy, get over it, I did.

44 days left

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