November 02, 2009


I didn't really do a post yesterday, so I'll have to fit two in today. Which is fitting, since I think I'm going to try and start two-a-day workouts. I'll continue to walk at lunch and then lift weights after work until I have to be at play rehearsal at 7pm. I'll literally have 2.5hrs to kill until rehearsal starts and it's not worth me driving all the way home that back down to rehearsal, so I'll stay downtown and make the most out of my time.

Last night was like a horse kicked me in the head. I was passed out snoring on the couch by 10pm. I helped my parents install a wood floor in their new house. Needless to say this body isn't built to be crawling around on my hands and knees. So I think I literally passed out last night. Today I feel pretty good. The work out over lunch went really well. Hit the treadmill for 45 minutes, did just over 2miles and burn just under 800 calories. I'm motivated, so I'm getting ready to head back to the gym at work for round two. I'll let you know how it goes.

93 days left

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