November 24, 2009

16 steps

There is a flight of stairs at work that you have to walk up to get out of the building. We are on the basement level and the main entrance is on the first floor. It's not your run-of-the-mill flight of stairs. Instead of your average tiered stairway, it's 8 steps to the first landing and then 16 steps the rest of the way. I've counted them because they are 16 steps that kick my ass every day. I don't know if my body is conditioned for shorter stairways or what, but every night at about the midway point, it's kicking my ass. 16 fucking steps. By the time I get to the top, I'm winded and my legs are burning like I just did 10 minutes on the Stair Master. 16 steps. Someday, those 16 steps won't be the bane of my existence. I've actually thought about taking the elevator just to avoid those 16 steps. But then I think that is just silly, it's just 16 steps. How hard can 16 steps be? Every night I am reminded of that and I'm chugging along until step 10, then it feels like someone is pulling me backwards. 16 steps. Someday, I will own your fucking ass.

71 days left

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