November 06, 2009

Flippin' the switch....

I'd like to think that the switch has been ceremoniously flipped. I can feel the drive and desire creeping back in that hasn't been here in a while. That was probably the most frustrating thing....I've been here before and I was successful. About 7 years ago I lost about 85 lbs, I got all the way down to 225. Then I just stopped and slowly but surely I gained all the weight back. Sure it took me 7 years to gain 100 lbs, but I was close to losing 100 lbs and I let go of the rope and slide back down the mountain. So I think the last couple of months I had a "I've been there, done that" mentality so I thought it would come easy like it did before. I lost 85lbs in about 7 months, I was in the zone. But I was like a guy in a dark room looking for the light switch, I was just floundering, not doing anything. I knew that Hawaii was coming, but I wasn't motivated to do anything about it. Hence the purpose of this blog, accountability. I was talking to my bestie today and he said that I haven't written in two days, and with that he stoked the fire. This little experiment isn't just about me losing weight, it's about the journey; all the triumphs and stumbles. No bullshit, hopefully just results. So I'm writing again today. Yesterday I busted my ass and felt the brunt of it last night. I was beat. So it's time to test myself. It was a good week, great workouts so far and a dip down at the scale. So I'm taking today off to recoup a little bit and then I will get up tomorrow morning and hit the gym. I haven't gotten up the last couple of weeks, so lets see what happens.

89 days left

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