January 05, 2010

Under a month....

We are officially 30 days from Hawaii and I'm so fucking excited I can't stand it. It can't come soon enough. I got up to go to work this morning and it was -33 degrees with the wind chill. We are supposed to get another 6-8 inches of snow later this week and then after the snow it's supposed to be -41 with the wind chill. Today the high in Hawaii was 82 degrees. When I got to work this morning I looked and it was 77 degrees in Hawaii but it really felt like 79. Hmmm, that's an interesting concept, it feeling WARMER than the actual temperature. I'm not familiar with that theory, in fact it's usually the EXACT FUCKING OPPOSITE here. It's -7 but feels like -14. Stupid, stupids.

Last night we got online and looked at some possible excursions while in Hawaii. We know we want to go whale watching, we know we'll be at a luau, and then have a full on shark experience where you get in a diving cage while sharks swim around you. As I'm dreaming of the possibilities, it's colder than....well something that's really fucking cold outside our window. 30 short, but I'm sure the longest there will ever be, days away.

30 days left

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