October 25, 2009

zoom zoom

Today (I guess now it's technically yesterday) was a blur. It started with my alarm going off to work out at 7:10am, then me actually getting out of bed at 8:30am. Then off to meet a buddy who had skybox tickets for the Husker game in Lincoln. The skybox was amazing, taco bar, fruit, cookies, you name it. I did have some fruit but was still enjoying the tacos when they brought the hot dogs in. Then home for an hour and then off to meet the boys in Flatfoot 56 for their show in Omaha. Show kicked ass as usual and we just got home now from a little fellowship at Village Inn over slices of French Silk pie. Needless to say I didn't do much today (yesterday) to wage war on the the waistline, if anything I think I might have aided the opposition. Hopefully tomorrow (today) will be better.

102(101) days left

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