October 22, 2009

Unrealized Expectations

It's really all about priorities. You've got to make working out a priority. What I used to do would be to fit working out into my life. If it happened then great. But if there wasn't time, hey, there wasn't time. That type of thinking is what got me where I am (fat and blogging about being fat). I needed to make working out a priority. Work other things around that and if those other things happened great, if not, no biggie. At the very least I still worked out. It's almost like having to go to the bathroom. You know you have to do it, but the longer you put it off the worse it gets. Next thing you know, you've shit yourself. I guess you could say I'm tired of shitting myself.

Today was a classic example. I've got from 2:30-3:30 blocked out on my calendar every afternoon this week so I can hit the gym. What usually happens happened; one meeting bleeds over into another meeting the next thing you know, it's 4:30 time to go home and you've missed your workout. Now the old Fatty Boom Batty would chalk it up to being busy at work and we'll get 'em next time. Not anymore. We've got an elliptical in our basement, I'd just do that when I got home. Trust me, I didn't want to have a single thing to do with this contraption, but I made a commitment. Besides, if it wasn't for you, my faithful reader (yes, there is probably only one) keeping me on task, the night would have gotten away from me and I would have spent it on the couch like in the past. I usually do 45 minutes on the treadmill, so I thought, "what the hell" and programmed the elliptical for 45 minutes. 10 minutes in; I wanted to quit. 15 minutes in; this is long enough right? I mean I'm sweating like a motherfucker, so that's got to be good. 20 minutes in; maybe I should only do 25 or 30 minutes since an elliptical is that much more strenuous. 25 minutes in; maybe I should stop, I don't want to overexert myself and burn out too quickly. 27 minutes in; fuck yeah! I feel great! I think I can do an hour! 30 minutes in, 31 minutes in, 31 minutes 15 seconds in, 34 minutes in, 35 minutes in, 35 minutes 10 seconds in, 35 minutes 24 seconds in; I wanted to quit. But I kept going. 8 minutes left; you can do it, what's 8 minutes? When you sit down in the airplane bound for Hawaii and be comfortable, this will be worth it. 5 minutes left; Fuck me, that was the longest 3 minutes of my life, is this fucking timer broken? 2 minutes left; nope, that last 3 minutes was THE longest 3 minutes of my life, this thing is definitely defective, wonder if we kept the receipt? 1 minute 30 seconds left; I think I might puke. 45 seconds left; I can't feel my legs. 10 seconds left; almost there, do I smell burning hair? Am I having a stroke? BEEP BEEP the timer goes of and I get off. I made it. It feels good. Have I done everything today that I possibly can to achieve getting fit? Almost, but I didn't shit myself today, I made it and got it done, so for now, I'm counting this as a win.

104 days left

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