November 03, 2009

The road less traveled

OK- so I didn't do that good of a job getting two posts done in one day, but I DID complete two workouts yesterday. I'm not going to lie. As I was packing up getting ready to leave work and head to the gym last night, I was struggling with going. It was almost 6:00pm and already dark out. This little voice in the back of my head was saying, "c'mon, you already worked out once much will it help to go lift'll be sore in the morning and then you'll have trouble walking, you know you hate that..." I was tempted, shit, I almost did it. My walk to the parking lot takes my right past the entrance to the building on our campus that houses one of the three gyms available to us at work. I was coming up on that building, having serious second thoughts about going when who should walk out but my boss' boss' boss. THE Head Honcho. The same one that saw me in the cafeteria last week and said, "Hey big guy! How are you?" Big Guy? I fucking hate that (that is a whole other post in itself). She saw me and stopped and we chatted that awkward work chat that I'm terrible at. She thanked me for working on a special project that popped up, yada yada. If I wanted to skip the second workout of the day, I would have had to walk the rest of the way out to the parking lot with her, small-talking the whole time. Needless to say, I was in the gym lifting weights a few minutes later. I'll take that as a sign that I was supposed to hit the weights, so I did. Then when I got to rehearsal, we had to set up the tables and chairs for the read through and put all the extra chairs away, so at the beginning of the read through, I was flop sweating yet again. I got home and I was exhausted. But I actually feel good today. Not a lot of soreness. That means I didn't push it hard enough lifting weights last night or the walking at lunch has sort of prepared my body for lifting. I think it's the first option. Either way, it's still doing something, not going home and sitting on the couch.

92 days left

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of you. It is hard to push through the pain but you will be thanking yourself when we are sittig on the beach watching the sunset in Hawaii!!!
