November 21, 2009

Guts, Nuts and my iPod....

Disclaimer: I have a tendency to quit things. I'm all talk and little follow through. I will be the first to admit it. I usually start like gangbusters, then fizzle. I'm surprised that I'm 25+ posts into this project and still going.

Today sucked. I didn't want to get out of bed. I didn't want to go to the gym. I sure as hell didn't want to get on the elliptical. But I got out of bed, went to the gym and got on the elliptical. The gym where I work out has TV screens on the the equipment so usually I can focus on that to help pass the time. Not today. Nothing held my interest. I was tired and I didn't want to be there. Only about 5 minutes in I was talking myself out of working out. "Maybe I'll just do only 10 minutes on the elliptical and then the rest of the 35 minutes will be a slow stroll on the treadmill..." But that was the old Fatty Boom Batty talking. I'm trying to change in this process, not just lose weight, but change everything. I told myself I wasn't going to step foot off that elliptical until 45 minutes had passed. No quitting. No backing out. No more. It was the longest 45 minutes of my life. I shut my eyes and focused on the music coming from the iPod. Nothing else worked. At one point I opened my eyes and there was a music video of Brittney in a white leotard rubbing her camel toe on the camera lens. That didn't help to pass the time. I just wanna get off this fucking thing and go sit down. Shut my eyes and focus. A while later I open my eyes and there is a blonde right across from me running in tights and a wife beater, didn't matter, she could have been topless and covered in baby oil, I just wanted to get the the fuck off this fucking ellipti-fucking-cal fucking machine. I felt like I was running through molasses. Shut my eyes and focus on the music. Gut it out, stay on that fucker. Focus on the lyrics, the rhythms, don't think about anything else. Focus.

The top 5 songs that got me through the longest 45 minutes of my life:

Elevator - The Black Keys
Stop, Drop and Roll!! - The Foxboro Hottubs
Get Free - The Vines
Fuck the Bullshit - The Dynospectrum
Judgement Night - Biohazard & Onyx

"In the elevator, I pick my floor. And if I wanna battle, I pick my war."

74 days left

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